Sunday, May 24, 2015

How to start blogging on blogspot


A website containing a writer's or group of writers' own experiences,observations, opinions, etc., and often having images and links to other websites.frequently updated posts typically displayed in reverse chronological order describing observations about news or politics, diaries, photos, poetry, essays, project updates, even fiction. Here is the more about blog by wikipedia .


The emergence and growth of blogs in the late 1990s coincided with the advent of web publishing tools that facilitated the posting of content by non-technical users. (Previously, a knowledge of such technologies as HTML and FTP had been required to publish content on the Web.)

What is necessary to be a blogger 

  • You have a personal computer with a connection to the Internet.
  • You have a personal email (gmail for blogspot )account.
  • You have a moderate amount of experience using the World Wide Web.
  • You must not be a skill writer but have passion and some skill about writing

A blogger can customize a blog beautifully if he knows HTML but it is not necessary

How to start

There are two option

I am explaining about provided by google

Step 1  First you have to have a valid gmail account. If you don't have it go to to have it . If you already have a gmail account skip this step. 

Step 2 After creating/having  gmail account go to 

If you are using chrome browser it may start with email log in page . In such case,  enter your email address and password to proceed 

Step 3 click on create a blog

Step 4   Enter email and  display name. This is the name  that will be appeared  on all of your blogs

Step 5 Name your blog choose the blog title and check the availability of blog name 

Step 6  Choose a starter template 

Step 7    your blog has been created 

Click start blogging and Enjoy !!

NOTE: Remember your username and password. Write them down if necessary. While logging in from


To starting blogging,  you can also log on to blogger from your gmail account 

Step 1  Open your gmail account

Step 2 Inside gmail click app button circled by red sign

Step 3 Click on More 

Step 4 Click on Blogger, start blogging  and Enjoy !!!