Monday, July 4, 2016

why should you smile? (हास्नु किन पर्छ ?)

हास्नु अनि मुस्कुराउनु 

मुस्कुराउनु किन ?

मुस्कुराउनु किनकी यो जोबन दुइ दिनको हो !!

फाइदा क्या काइदाका ..........................!!!

   "It seems that it's absolutely true that 'laugh and the whole world laughs with you,"  
It’s not easy to keep smiling in stressful situations but it recovers you from a stressful situation,  
endorphins create a sense of euphoria or well-being, which makes you comfortable from all angle and elevates your mood

 smile makes you beautiful and younger

Laughter is the Best Medicine 

  Simply smiling can make you seem much more approachable and inviting.

"Your smile will give you a positive countenance that will make people feel comfortable around you." - Les Brown

You should smile for no reason and give someone a reason to smile

It has been concluded from several studies that smile can lowers the heart beat rate

 If smile can bring all above 9 points then , it is confirm that it brings success , Because all 9 point are keys  to success 

Good luck.
Let the smile bring all kind of happiness